Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Line FAQHow to put fishing line on a closed face reel?
Shysha asked 2 years ago
How do you put line on a closed face fishing reel?

6 Answers
Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago

To spool a closed face fishing reel, first, thread the fishing line through the guides on the rod. Then, tie one end of the line to the reel and hold onto the other end. Start reeling in the line until it’s tight against the spool. Next, tie a knot in the line and cut off any excess. Finally, reattach the Fishing Line Stopper to keep the line from unraveling.


Martin Staff answered 2 years ago
Closed face fishing reels are notorious for tangling the line, so it is important that you spool it on correctly.
First, attach your lure to the end of the line and make a small loop. Then, hold onto the loop with one hand and use your other hand to spin the reel in the opposite direction of how it would normally spin. This will wrap the line around the spool. Keep spinning until you have about 4-6 inches of line left free at the end. Finally, cut off any excess line and reattach your lure.

Bernard answered 2 years ago
To spool a closed-face fishing reel, you’ll need to gather a few supplies first: the fishing reel, some monofilament fishing line, scissors, and a bowl or bucket.
1) Cut a piece of fishing line that’s about 6 feet long.
2) Tie one end of the line to the black or gold arm on the top of the reel. This is known as the “arbor knot.”
3) Hold the other end of the line in your left hand and thread it around the “spool arbor,” which is located just below the gearbox on your reel (see photo).
4) Carefully pull the line taut as you wrap it around the spool arbor.

Carlos answered 2 years ago
There are a few different techniques that can be used to spool a closed-face fishing reel. One is to use your fingers to guide the line onto the spool as you reel it in. Another is to wrap the line around a pencil or other cylindrical object and then wind it onto the spool that way. And yet another is to use a tool called a line winder, which makes the process much easier.


David answered 2 years ago
There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use a tool called a line spinner. This tool holds the fishing line and spins it onto the reel while you hold on to the other end.
Another way to put a line on a closed face reel is to use your hand. Place the reel in your palm with the spool facing up. Take the end of the fishing line and wrap it around your thumb and first two fingers (the index finger and middle finger). Hold on tightly to the line as you spin the reel with your other hand. As the line wraps around the spool, move your thumb and fingers so that they are always in contact with the line. When you’ve wrapped all of the lines around the spool, cut off the excess and tie a knot in the end.

Wilson answered 2 years ago
To spool a closed face fishing reel, start by threading the line through the guides on the rod. Then, tie one end of the line around the reel’s spool and begin winding it on. Be sure to keep tension on the line as you wind it on to avoid knots and tangles. When the spool is full, knot the end of the line and trim any excess.