Fishing QuestionsCategory: Deep Drop Fishing FAQWhat is deep drop fishing?
Elaenedil U asked 2 years ago
How to deep drop fishing?

6 Answers
Wilson answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is simply a type of fishing where the baited line is dropped to a much greater depth than in traditional fishing. This can be done using a specialized deep drop rod and reel, or by carefully weighting down your line.

Deep drop fishing can be done for a variety of reasons – sometimes it’s simply because the fish you’re after are found at greater depths, while other times it may be part of a specific technique, such as bottom bouncing. No matter the reason, deep drop fishing can be an extremely rewarding experience, especially when you manage to land that big one!

Martin Staff answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is a method of fishing in which anglers fish between depths of 600 and 1,800 feet. Deep drop fisheries are found throughout the world, but anglers in the United States often target swordfish and squid using this method.

The most common type of tackle used in deep drop fishing is electric reels, which allow anglers to lower their baits to depths beyond those that can be reached with conventional tackle. Other types of specialized tackle, such as bottom rigs and jigging machines, are also used by deep drop fishermen.

No matter what type of tackle is used, there are some basic tenets that all deep drop anglers follow in order to be successful.

David answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is a type of fishing where you fish at depths greater than 60 feet. This type of fishing requires special equipment, including a heavy-duty reel, rod, and line.

Deep drop fishing can be done from a boat or from the shore. From a boat, you will need to use a heavier weight to get your bait down to the desired depth. For example, if you are targeting fish that are swimming deep in the water column (70-80 feet), you will need to use an 8-10 oz weight.

The depth that you fish at will also dictate the size of the hooks that you use. For deep drop fishing, it is recommended to use circle hooks in sizes 12/0-16/0.

Deep drop fishing can be done for a variety of different species of fish. Some of the more popular target species include swordfish, grouper, snapper, and amberjack. When targeting these deeper dwelling fish, it is important to use bait that will attract their attention. Some of the most popular baits used in deep drop fishing include squid, cut bait, and whole fish.

There are a few different techniques that can be used when fishing at depths greater than 60 feet. One popular technique is bottom bouncing. This involves fishing near the bottom of the water column and using a bait that is heavy enough to bounce along the bottom.

This technique is often used when targeting species such as grouper and snapper. Another popular technique is jigging. This involves fishing with a lure that is weighted and can be rapidly jerked up and down in the water column. This technique is often used to target fish such as Amberjack and Swordfish.

Carlos answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is a type of fishing that involves dropping a weighted line with bait down to the ocean floor, then slowly bringing it back up to catch fish. This type of fishing can be done from a boat or from shore.

The most common deep drop baits are heavy jigs, live bait (anchovies, sardines, mackerel), and cut bait (baitfish that has been cut into small pieces). Deep drop fishermen use heavy tackle and often target big game fish such as swordfish, tuna, grouper, and snapper.

Bernard answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is a type of angling where baited hooks are lowered into the ocean on a rope, sometimes hundreds of feet below the surface. It is an effective way to catch large pelagic fish such as tuna, swordfish, and marlin.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
Deep drop fishing is a type of fishing where you use a heavy weight to cast your line deep into the water. This type of fishing is used to catch bottom-dwelling fish, such as grouper, snapper, and sea bass. In order to be successful, deep drop fishing requires specialized tackle and bait.

When fishing at depths greater than 60 feet, it is important to use a heavy-duty reel, rod, and line. The depth that you fish at will also dictate the size of the hooks that you use. For deep drop fishing, it is recommended to use circle hooks in sizes 12/0-16/0.

Some of the most popular baits used in deep drop fishing include squid, cut bait, and whole fish. These baits are heavier and will sink down to the desired depth. Another popular technique is jigging. This involves fishing with a lure that is weighted and can be rapidly jerked up and down in the water column. This technique is often used to target fish such as Amberjack and Swordfish.