Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Line FAQHow to put fishing line on a Shakespeare reel?
Janinayl I asked 2 years ago

6 Answers
Martin Staff answered 1 year ago
Putting a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel is a fairly simple process. First, you’ll need to thread the line through the eyelets on the reel. Start by threading the line through the topmost eyelet and then wrap it around the spool a few times. After that, continue threading the line through the remaining eyelets, making sure to wrap it around the spool as you go.

Once you’ve threaded the line through all of the eyelets, tie it off at the bottom using a double knot. To test if your knot is secure, give it a few good tugs – if it comes undone easily, try again with a tighter knot. Once you’re satisfied that your knot is secure, you’re ready to start fishing!

David answered 1 year ago
The first thing you’ll need to do is thread the fishing line through the eyelets on the rod. You’ll want to start from the bottom and work your way up. Once you have the line threaded through all of the eyelets, it’s time to attach it to the reel.

Start by passing the line through the guide on the reel (the metal loop that sticks out). Then, wrap it around the spool a few times and tie it off securely.

Now you’re ready to start fishing! Just cast your line into the water and wait for a bite. When you feel something tugging on the line, start reeling in slowly, keeping tension on the line so it doesn’t snap. Congratulations – you’ve successfully put the fishing line on a reel!

If you have any questions or need help, be sure to ask a fishing expert. They’ll be able to give you more detailed instructions and help you get started.

Wilson answered 1 year ago
There are several ways to put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel. The first step is to thread the line through the guides on the rod. Next, tie the desired knot at the end of the line. Once the knot is tied, pull it tight and trim any excess line. Now it’s time to secure the line to the reel. For spinning reels, you’ll need to wrap the line around the spool in a specific pattern.

First, start by making six or seven turns around the spool, then cross the line in front of itself. Make another six or seven turns around the spool, then pass the line behind itself. Continue this pattern until the spool is full.

For baitcasting reels, you’ll need to thread the line through the guides on the rod and reel. Then, tie a knot at the end of the line and pull it tight. Trim any excess line and you’re ready to cast!

Bernard answered 1 year ago
To put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel, first, remove the spool from the reel. Next, take the fishing line and tie one end around the small hole in the center of the spool.

Then, wind the fishing line around the spool in a clockwise direction, making sure to keep it tight as you go. Once you’ve wrapped all of the fishing lines around the spool, tie the other end to the reel handle.

Finally, replace the spool on the top of the reel and screw it into place.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 1 year ago
Ok, this one I can help with! First, make sure your reel is in gear. Next, hold the spool in one hand and take the end of the line in your other hand. Holding the line tightly, twist the line around the spool a couple of times. Now let go of the line and hold on to only the spool. Threading the Line:

While still holding on to the spool, slowly let out some line until it’s a little bit loose (but don’t let it all out!). Now, quickly grab onto both ends of the line and pull tight – you should see a small loop form. Put your thumb inside this loop and keep holding on tight!

Now take your reel and place it so the loop is facing the “hole” in the reel. Slowly start pushing the line into the hole, while at the same time letting out more line from the spool (keep your thumb inside that loop!). Once the entire length of your fishing line is through the eyelet, pull tight on both ends to secure it. And there you have it – your fishing line is now threaded onto your reel!

If you have any questions regarding fishing, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Carlos answered 1 year ago
There are three ways to put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel. The first way is to use the spool bar. The second way is to use the arbor. The third way is to use the disk.

The spool bar method is the easiest way to put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel. To do this, hold the spool in your left hand and turn it so that the line peels off of the top of it. Then, hold the reel in your right hand and place it over the top of the spool so that the other end of the line falls into the hole in the reel. Finally, press down on the spool with your left hand and pull up the reel with your right hand until the line is tight.

The arbor method is a bit more difficult than the spool bar method, but it is still relatively easy to do. To put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel using the arbor method, first hold the spool in your left hand and turn it so that the line peels off of the top of it. Next, take the fishing line and thread it through the hole in the arbor. Finally, hold the reel in your right hand and place it over the top of the spool so that the other end of the line falls into the hole in the reel. Again, press down on the spool with your left hand and pull up on the reel with your right hand until the line is tight.

The disk method is the most difficult way to put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel, but it is still possible to do. To put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel using the disk method, first hold the spool in your left hand and turn it so that the line peels off of the top of it. Next, take the fishing line and thread it through the hole in the disk. Finally, hold the reel in your right hand and place it over the top of the spool so that the other end of the line falls into the hole in the reel. Once again, press down on the spool with your left hand and pull up on the reel with your right hand until the line is tight.

Hopefully this FAQ has helped you understand how to put a fishing line on a Shakespeare reel. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below. Happy fishing!