Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Line FAQHow to tie a jig on fishing line?
Orortaiac K asked 1 year ago

6 Answers
Carlos answered 1 year ago
To tie a jig on a fishing line, you’ll need to first cut a length of line that is about twice the length of the jig. Then, create a loop at one end of the line and thread the jig onto the loop.

Next, hold the tag end of the line between your thumb and first 2 fingers and wrap it around your fingers 7-10 times. Finally, use your free hand to pinch the wraps together while you slide your fingers out from under them. Now you can tighten up the knot by pulling on both ends of the line.I suggest you watch this video – it’s a great way to do it:

David answered 1 year ago
There are a few different ways to tie a jig on a fishing line. One way is to use a loop knot. Another way is to use a Palomar knot.

The loop knot is the easiest way to tie a jig on the fishing line. To tie the loop knot, first, make a loop in the fishing line and then wrap the tag end around the main line two or three times. Next, poke the tag end through the hole in the jig and pull it tight. Finally, clip off any excess tag end.

The Palomar knot is another way to tie a jig on a fishing line. To tie the Palomar knot, first, make a loop in the fishing line and then wrap the tag end around the main line two or three times. Next, pass the tag end through the loop and pull it tight. Finally, clip off any excess tag end.

Both of these knots are easy to tie and will secure the jig to the fishing line. Try both knots and see which one you prefer.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 1 year ago
There are many ways to tie a jig on a fishing line. One easy way is to use a loop knot. Make a small loop at the end of your line and insert the jig into the loop.

Then take the tag end of the line and wrap it around the main line four or five times, making sure to hold onto the loops created by the wrapping. Finally, tuck the tag end of the line back through the first loop and pull tight. You’ve now tied your jig onto your fishing line!

Wilson answered 1 year ago
There are a few ways to tie a jig on a fishing line. One way is to use a loop knot. Another way is to use a Palomar knot. And yet another way is to use a Surgeon’s knot. All of these knots have different purposes, so it is important to know which knot will work best for a particular situation.

The loop knot is good for attaching small lures or jigs because it forms a small loop that can easily slip over the lure or jig’s eyelet. The Palomar knot is good for tying knots in a monofilament line because it tightens well and doesn’t slip. The Surgeon’s knot is also good for tying knots in monofilament line, but it is easier to tie than the Palomar knot.

To tie a loop knot, first, thread the fishing line through the eyelet of the lure or jig. Then, make a loop by doubling over the fishing line and passing the end through the loop. Next, moisten the knot with water and pull tight. Finally, trim the excess fishing line.

To tie a Palomar knot, first, thread the fishing line through the eyelet of the lure or jig. Then, make an overhand loop in the fishing line and pass the end of the fishing line through the loop. Next, moisten the knot with water and pull tight.

Bernard answered 1 year ago
There are many ways to tie a jig on a fishing line. One popular way is to use a Palomar knot.

To tie a Palomar knot, first pass the line through the eye of the jig. Then make a loop and cross the line over the standing part of the line. Next, make another loop and bring the end of the line back up through the middle of the first loop. Finally, pull on all four loops to tighten the knot.

Also a good way to strap a jig head to a corabine:

Martin Staff answered 1 year ago

There are a few different ways to tie a jig on a fishing line, but the most common way is to use a Palomar knot. To do a Palomar knot, first, pass the line through the eye of the jig. Then make a loop and pass the end of the line through the loop. Finally, pull both ends of the line tight to form a knot.