Fishing QuestionsCategory: Baitcast Fishing FAQHow to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel?
Ladananin F asked 1 year ago

6 Answers
Wilson answered 1 year ago
Step 1: Cut a piece of line that is about two feet longer than the distance from the reel’s spool to the tip of your rod.

Step 2: Thread one end of the line through the hole in the spool, and hold on to both ends of the line.

Step 3: Turn the reel handle in a clockwise motion, and allow the line to wrap around the spool. Keep winding until there is no more slack in the line.

Step 4: Tie a knot in the end of the line, and trim off any excess line. Make sure that you tie a knot that will hold up against tension.

Step 5: Hold your baitcasting rod with the reel facing down, and pull on the line to make sure that it is tight. You are now ready to start fishing!

If you need further assistance, please consult your baitcasting reel’s owner’s manual. Good luck!

Carlos answered 1 year ago
It can be a little tricky the first time you do it, but with a little practice it becomes pretty easy. Here are the steps:

1. Make sure the fishing line is unspooled completely from the reel.

2. Tie one end of the line to the eyelet on top of the reel, and then wrap it around the spool a few times. Make sure it’s tight so that the line won’t unravel.

3. Hold onto the other end of the line and slowly pull it through the guides on top of the reel until it’s all threaded through.

4. Now tie off that end to one of the guides on bottom of the reel (or to another eyelet). And you’re all set!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them. Good luck fishing!

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 1 year ago
There are a few ways to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel. One way is to tie one end of the line around the spool and wind it on by hand. Another way is to make a loop in the line, thread it through the hole in the spool, and pull it tight.

A third way is to use a tool called a line winder. This tool wraps the fishing line around the spool for you. To use a line winder, first tie one end of the fishing line around the spool and hold on to it tightly. Then place the spool in the line winder and turn it clockwise until all of the fishing line is wound onto the spool.

Bernard answered 1 year ago
There are a few different ways to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel. One way is to tie the end of the line to the spool using a loop-to-loop connection. Another way is to use an arbor knot.

The loop-to-loop connection can be easily made by forming a small loop in the end of the line and then passing that loop over the post on the spool. The line should then be pulled tight and knotted below the post. The arbor knot is also easy to make. Simply tie a simple overhand knot around the post on the spool, making sure that it’s tight against the spool.

Martin Staff answered 1 year ago
There are a few ways to do this. The first way is to tie the line to the reel with a simple overhand knot.

Another way to attach the line is by using a leader. A leader can be made of monofilament, multi-filament, or fluorocarbon line. When using a monofilament or multi-filament leader, it is best to use a loop knot such as the surgeons knot or palomar knot. If you are using fluorocarbon line, it is best to use a blood knot because fluorocarbon lines are more slippery than other types of lines.

Once you have your leader in place, you can put it on the reel by holding onto both ends of the leader and winding it around the spool in a clockwise direction. As you wind, make sure that the coils are snug against each other but not overlapping. When you have finished winding, tie the end of the leader to the spool using an overhand knot or a figure-eight knot.

David answered 1 year ago
There are a few different ways to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel. The most common way is to use a monofilament line winder. This is a plastic device that you can buy at most tackle shops. You simply insert the end of your fishing line into the hole in the center of the winder, and then spin the winder around with your hand. The spinning motion will cause the fishing line to wrap around the outside of the winder. When you are done, you can remove the fishing line from the winder and then tie it to your baitcasting reel.

Another way to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel is to use an electric drill. This method is recommended for people who have a lot of fishing line to put on their reel. To use this method, you will need to purchase an electric drill fishing line winder attachment. This attachment is simply a plastic device that goes over the end of your drill bit. You then insert the end of your fishing line into the hole in the center of the attachment, and then start your drill. The spinning motion of the drill will cause the fishing line to wrap around the outside of the attachment. When you are finished, you can remove the fishing line from the attachment and then tie it to your reel.

The last way to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel is to do it by hand. This method is not recommended for people who have a lot of fishing line to put on their reel. To do this, you will need to hold the spool of fishing line in your left hand and the end of the fishing line in your right hand. You then simply start winding the fishing line around the spool in a clockwise direction. As you wind, make sure that the coils are snug against each other but not overlapping. When you have finished winding, tie the end of the fishing line to the spool using an overhand knot or a figure-eight knot.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to put fishing line on a baitcasting reel. The method that you choose will depend on your personal preference and the amount of fishing line that you have to put on your reel. Whichever method you choose, just make sure that you wind the fishing line snugly around the spool so that it doesn’t come off while you are fishing.