Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Hook FAQDoes the sinker go above or below the hook?
Gary Walker asked 1 year ago

6 Answers
Bernard answered 1 year ago
The sinker goes below the hook. Sinker placement is an important part of baitcasting and it can be one of the more difficult techniques to master. When you’re fishing with a weight, or sinker, it’s important to place it below the hook so that it will pull the bait down into the water. This will help to keep your bait in contact with the bottom and increase your chances of catching fish.

Martin Staff answered 1 year ago
The sinker goes below the hook. If it went above the hook, it would just pull the bait down and make it harder to fish. By putting the sinker below the hook, it pulls the bait up and keeps it in place.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 1 year ago
The sinker goes below the hook. When a fisherman casts their line, they want the bait to sink to the bottom as quickly as possible. By putting the sinker below the hook, it accomplishes just that.

This is also why you’ll often see fishermen use heavier weight with bigger bait – it helps get the bait down to where the fish are lurking.

Wilson answered 1 year ago
The sinker goes below the hook. The weight of the sinker pulls the line and bait down, while the hook points towards the surface of the water. This allows fishermen to bait their hooks with live bait such as worms or minnows without having them escape.

Also, to catch big fish, many anglers place the hook after the sinker, which lies on the bottom. The length of the leash is desirable about 70 cm, so he did not get tangled when throwing tackle.

Carlos answered 1 year ago
There are a few schools of thought on this subject. Some people believe that the sinker should go above the hook so that it can trail behind and catch more bait.

Others believe that the sinker should go below the hook so that it will dig into the bottom and hold the bait in place. In my opinion, there is no right or wrong answer – it all depends on what works best for you. Experimentation is key!

David answered 1 year ago
The sinker goes below the hook. If it went above the hook, it would just slide up and off the line when you tried to cast. By putting the sinker below the hook, it keeps the bait in place and makes it easier for you to cast your line.