Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Knot FAQHow to tie a loop knot for fishing?
AlexsandrBew asked 2 years ago
How to tie the perfect loop fishing knot for lures?

6 Answers
Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago

The illustration shows how easy it is to tie this knot. With a little experience, it will work out without any problems for you.







Carlos answered 2 years ago
Introducing the video. It is useful and necessary for any angler.


Bernard answered 2 years ago
There are a few ways to tie a loop knot for fishing. One of the most common ways is to use a simple overhand knot. To do this, make a loop in the line and hold it between your thumb and first 2 fingers. Take the end of the line in your other hand and wrap it around the loop once. Now take that end of the line and put it through the hole created by your thumb and first 2 fingers. Pull both ends of the line tight and you’ve got yourself a loop knot!

David answered 2 years ago
There are many different ways to tie a loop knot for fishing, but one of the most popular and reliable methods is the Duncan Loop. This knot is easy to tie and very sturdy, making it ideal for use with larger baits or lures. Here’s how to do it:

1) Make a simple overhand knot around the fishing line.

2) Take the tag end of the line and make a second overhand knot around the first one.

3) Hold on to both loops and pull tight. You’ve now tied your loop knot!

Martin Staff answered 2 years ago
There are a few different ways to tie a loop knot for fishing, but one of the most common is the clinch knot. This knot is simple to tie and very strong. To tie a clinch knot, pass the line through the eye of the hook, make a loop (or “eye”) in the line, and hold both ends of the line between your thumb and first 2 fingers. Now, insert the end of the line that’s coming from the reel into this loop, and wrap it around 5 or 6 times. Pass this end of the line back through the loop (the one you’re holding between your thumb and fingers), pull tight, and trim off any excess.

Wilson answered 2 years ago
There are a few different types of loop knots that can be used for fishing, and the best one to use will depend on the type of fishing you’re doing and the fish you’re targeting. In general, though, the process for tying a loop knot is relatively simple.

First, thread your line through the eye of the hook (or lure), and then double back so that there are about 6 inches of slack. Next, take hold of the standing line with one hand and make a small loop with the remaining line in your other hand. Then, pass the end of the line around both sections of the standing line, making sure to keep everything snug. Finally, wet the knot and pull tight – this will help to keep everything in place. Trim off any excess line and you’re all set!

A helpful extra video for you: