Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Clothing FAQHow to keep fish moths away from clothes?
Gtavlene S asked 2 years ago

6 Answers
Wilson answered 1 year ago
There are a few things you can do to keep fish moths away from your clothes. First, make sure that your closet is clean and free of clutter. Fish moths tend to lay their eggs in dark, moist places, so a tidy closet will make it less appealing to them.

You can also buy special moth traps that use pheromones to attract the moths and then trap them. These can be placed in your closet or anywhere else you’ve seen fish moths activity.

Finally, try using Cedar balls or lavender sachets in your closet as they both have natural moth-repelling properties. By following these steps, you can hopefully keep those pesky fish moth away from your clothes!

Martin Staff answered 1 year ago
There are a few things you can do to keep fish moths away from your clothes. The first is to keep your clothing clean and free of food stains. Fish moths are attracted to dirty clothing that has food stains on it. washing your clothes regularly and removing any food stains will help reduce the chances of fish moths being attracted to your clothing.

Another thing you can do is to store your clothing in airtight containers. This will create an environment that is unattractive to fish moths, and they will be less likely to infest your clothing. Finally, you can use insecticide treatments on your clothing and storage containers.

This will kill any fish moths that come into contact with your clothing and should effectively keep them away. By following these steps, you can hopefully keep those pesky fish moths away from your clothes! Thanks for the question. fishing reel, rod. fishing reel, fishing rod. fishing line, fishing net.

Cedar balls or lavender sachets are a natural moth-repelling properties that can be used to keep fish moths away from clothing. These can be placed in your closet or anywhere else you’ve seen fish moth activity. Thanks for the question! fishing reel, rod. fishing reel, fishing rod. fishing line, fishing net.

Insecticide treatments are an effective way to keep fish moths away from clothing and storage containers. This will kill any fish moths that come into contact with the treated surfaces and should effectively keep them away. Thanks for the question!

David answered 1 year ago
There are a few things you can do to keep fish moths away from your clothes. First, make sure that your clothes are properly stored. This means keeping them in airtight containers or bags and making sure that they are not exposed to any potential food sources (including other clothing).

If you suspect that your clothes may already be infested, wash them in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any eggs or larvae. You can also treat your clothes with an insecticide designed for moths.

Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, as some products can damage clothing. Finally, vacuum regularly and check for signs of moths in other areas of your home, such as cupboards and pantries.

Taking these precautions should help keep those pesky fish moths away from your clothes. Thanks for the question! fishing reel, rod. fishing reel, fishing rod. fishing line, fishing net.

Cedar balls or lavender sachets are a natural moth-repelling properties that can be used to keep fish moths away from clothing.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 1 year ago
There are a few things you can do to help keep fish moths away from your clothes. First, make sure to clean your clothes regularly and remove any food or dirt particles that might attract the moths.

Second, store your clothes in airtight containers when not in use. And finally, if you do see any fish moths around your home, try using a mothball or cedar ball to get rid of them.

Bernard answered 1 year ago

One way to keep fish moths away from clothes is by using cedar balls. Cedar balls can be purchased at most hardware stores. Another option is to make your own cedar ball by wrapping a small chunk of cedar in cheesecloth or a pantyhose and securing it with a rubber band. Place the cedar ball in your closet or storage area to help repel the moths.

Another option is to use lavender oil. Lavender oil can be bought at most health food stores. Simply add a few drops of the oil to a cotton ball and place it in your closet or storage area. The scent of the lavender oil will help repel the moths.

Carlos answered 1 year ago
There are a few things you can do to keep fish moths away from your clothes.

One is to make sure your closet is clean and free of any clutter, as the moths like to hide in these places. You can also try placing cedar blocks or balls in your closet, as the aroma of cedar repels the moths.

Finally, you can hang sachets filled with herbs such as lavender or mint near your closet, as these herbs also have a moth-repelling scent.